Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Fuzzy :3

Heyyah! I've told ya about my bunny? Yes i have told ya! Just check my previous post! I named her Fuzzy, a cute 2 month bunny. It's Fuzzy Lop! So i named her Fuzzy.. She's so cute, she likes to eat! She can eat 2 carrots a day. Me and my mom bought Fuzzy in Lembang :3 Fuzzy once bite my finger and it's funny! Ha ha ha ha :D Fuzzy likes to run trough the rooms and he likes to eat plastics thingy idk why. And the point is, i love Fuzzy and she's one of my bestfriends. Love you Fuz! :3

The day before 28th June 2010

Heyyah guys! Long time no see.. Ha ha ha -_-'' It's 27th of June 2010! Guess what? Tommorow is my birthday! Wish tommorow will be the day that i'll never forget. I got some advance birthday wishes from some people, its Mandy and Lauren Cimorelli. Thankyou very much guys, it means a lot for me it's a honour! And tonight i'll stay awake 'till the clock strikes 00:00!! I really hope that some artists and my idols give a birthday wish to me tommorow, it'll be the best birthday ever if i get a birthday wish from Nicholas Jerry Jonas :') Yeah, and guess what? I got some gifts from my mom! A new handphone and a bunny! :3 and i got an iPod Touch. And tommorow's plan is hang out with my Yasmin, Karin and Indy. Hope we'll have fun there :) They're all my bestfriends. And i love them so much :D

You know, today i feel horrible................. I really want to visit The United States of America, and i believe someday i'll step my foot there. Maybe someday when i get older, maybe i'll get there with my children and husband, maybe i'll get there with my friends, and maybe i'll get there to marry the boy name Nicholas Jerry Jonas gah never mind. I'm a little girl who has big dreams ha ha ha. I'm excited for tommorow, hope i'll be a better person when i'm 14 and i hope that i'll get a great score in the 9th grade. Umm.. That's all.

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

hello! Udah lama gak ngepost hahaha! Gila bener udah lama banget okey slow aja nand! Slow down baby take it easy just let it slow ._. okey stress. Okey let's see now gue libur sampe hari Jum'at gatau kenapa gue kerjanya cuma online doang yawk! Padahal masih banyak yang harus gue selesaiin, dari tugas2 kosong di rapot gue yang kebakaran, tugas b.indonesia, tugas kalender sampai poster yang udah lama bangets ituwgh. Okey gue gak tau mau ngomong apa gue pun bingung. Ohiya udah pada tau kan All Time Low kesini 4 Agustus, okey im not a huge fan of ATL tp kayaknya i think i should be there hahahaha soalnya soalnya soalnya...........Okey stop hahaha ada faktor khusus gue pgn bgt nonton ATL. Hehehe, okey ganti topik kita ngomong apa ya? Okey gue bosen banget di rumah pdhl gue harus bikin tugas-tugas tp tetep aja kayaknya tangan gue gak mengizinkan gue untuk menulis gitu, yowes kita nulis blog sajeh. Gue lg rada males twitter gatau kenapa agak males aja hehehehehehehe oke ah gue gatau mau ngomong apa sudah dulu yawkKkK! Keep reading. Xoxo Nanda!